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Everything posted by lfcrule1972

  1. AAAAAAAAaaa rrrrrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnnhhhh, HHHurrRRRRRRRRnhhhh. UUUHHHGGG-rrrr! UUUHHHGGG-rrrrRRR! UUUHHHGGG-rrrrRRR! HHHurrRRRRRRRRnhhhh.
  2. Yeah ? I think you cheated and edited your post after you saw Shamus post the answer !!!
  3. Hopefully those Verbatim discs will ease your probs a bit !
  4. Shame he didn't add a few pics as well
  5. Too depressing, we get shafted again for a few bells and whistles !!
  6. My money would be on the discs - I tested that media for the forum as did the boss, see here and found them to be very patchy. Personally I wouldn't use them for anything - for me the days of Ritek making good media are long gone. Try and get the dye mentioned above - either Verbatim MCC or Taiyo Yuden TYG dye
  7. Not sure what time it is where you are but here in the UK you posted your message at 4:02 am and then the chaser at 6:17am, most forum members are not around in the wee small hours I would guess that your problem might be your media, in other words the blank discs you are using. Have you had any problems with these before ? From the log it looks like the drive is having problems writing to them. I just tried to find firmware for your drive at http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_search.php but couldn't find anything, the drive ID of "DVDRW IDE" seems very generic - what make is it ? ImgBurn might be able to check the firmware for you, with the program open right click on the GUI where you see the drive details and from the list select "Check for firmware Updates". See what that finds..... Did you see any error messages during the burn ? If you have any other discs I would try that as well, we recommend Verbatim (MCC dye) or Taiyo Yuden (TYG02 or TYG03) on the forum as being far more reliable.
  8. We can't help you with info on DVDD - sorry ! I did wonder tho why you need to keep the .iso as Region 4 ?
  9. Don't forget though if you are backing up your files you need space the original dvd files as well which might be around the 8gb mark. I guess you run straight off shrink to save on file space ?
  10. That really made me laugh - 100% mental but funny......
  11. What discs are you using ? As the boss said this error could be down to discs that your drive doesn't like, usually crappy media like CMC MAG dye on the discs. If you copy paste the log that appears in the window under the main GUI we can take a look for you.
  12. If you are using Shrink you will need more than 4-5gb space I would suggest at least 12-15gb depending on the size of your original that you are backing up.
  13. ImgBurn is not a conversion program tlsomer - it's a "build and burn" program ! This might help - Google search
  14. Did you edit something out Rastus2 ?
  15. I showed the video to my eldest two last night and they thought it was excellent - Weird Al is reborn !!!!
  16. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=832 Just found some tests the boss did on that media ID above..... The results are not too bad but a little inconsistent, range from quality scores of 74% to mid 90's....
  17. If I were you, I would only be looking for Verbatim media or Taiyo Yuden with ID of either TYG02 or TYG03.
  18. As kev said above, if you're trying to burn an .iso that size you will either need to get some Verbatim DVD+R DL discs and burn it to a dual layer disc. As you know at present the 8gig file is too big to fit a DVD?R disc, unfortunately we can't help you shrink that to fit but a Google search would.
  19. That's why we all look so dog rough !!
  20. Well as you can see from the log the verify on that burn failed, the drive is trying to read the disc back and failing. It might be unconnected but I have never heard of the media ID on those discs, by that I mean the dye manufacturer. Here on the forum we see a lot of problems caused by poor media. Members by discs based on a brand name, Maxell, TDK etc but the dye on those discs can be really shoddy. For trouble free burns I use Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim dye, it's hard to get over the counter in shops so it's best to use an online retailer like www.svp.co.uk who give you the media id (dye) info on their site. If I was you I would get some top quality media.......
  21. I have written a stack of tv episodes (40 mins etc and less than 1gb) to DVD+R and DVD-R and never had any problems - what is the issue with small burns exactly ?
  22. I prefer to leave WOPC enabled for my drives, as blu says it seems to improve the higher speed burns and personally I would prefer to have it on by default rather than off !
  23. As well as the log a bit of other info might help, does the original .iso play ok on the same player ?
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