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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. Nah. The Riteks are used for testing only these days (still got 2 tubs of the bastards). I burn a few every night and toss them into the bin. That?s about all they?re good for.
  2. On the contrary, you dissected and solved the problem and, as a result, all of us have learned from it. Thank you.
  3. Why can Nero CD/DVD Speed perform the same operation without hanging? I've left it running for an hour and ImgBurn wouldn't stop or close. It would respond to input, like opening menus, but the drive was locked, and nothing would make the program shut down. It does this even in Test Mode. Is there any way to recover from this, without a hard reboot? Again, you insist on debating with the author of this software. This is the sort of behaviour one would expect from a 6 year old. Not something anyone expects from a 51 year old. It?s obvious that ImgBurn will never live up to your standards nor will you ever get it through your thick head that you are, once again, wrong. I propose returning to the other forums where you are equally unwanted like Digital Digest, CD-Freaks, Afterdawn and, most likely, countless others. You contribute nothing. You help no-one. You waste our time with your stupidity and naivety for reasons which cannot be explained. Just fuck off and leave those of us who are willing to help others get on with it.
  4. The first thing I?d be looking at is Alcohol 120. Have you tried shutting it down before starting ImgBurn? There?s been a couple of posts recently with people having problems with it.
  5. Not really. If you have good media and a good drive there?s no reason to limit the speed at which your PC writes and/or verifies. The 2 snapshots below give a good indication of this. The top picture shows rubbish media (RITEK G05?s) burned slowly and verified quickly. The second picture is half-decent (Verbatim -R/DL) burned and verified as fast as the drive and media would allow. The line in light blue is the verification process and the difference between the two snapshots shows the quality of the media.
  6. I thought spiders had 10 eyes? Now I'm going to have to look it up.
  7. Try a firmware upgrade before doing anything else. Latest version for your drive is BCHC (yours is BCFC) available from http://support.benq.com/files/storage/Firm...DW1650/BCHC.zip
  8. Question: Have you tried something exotic like adding another SATA drive and creating a raid/spanned drive? The reason I ask is that I had a pc with a single sata drive in it last year and had nothing but problems with it. (I think the BIOS was a bit dicky). Adding another drive and creating a raid volume fixed the problem.
  9. The demand on the I/O system is more the problem, I think. Perhaps this isn't an issue if you have SATA. Not everyone has a cutting edge system. Demand on the I/O? Are you serious? To prove a point, the snapshot test below was done on a different and slower pc. It used a network drive as the source and a standard IDE drive as the destination. This pc also doubles up as a file server for various common drives which are constantly in use. Now you're being ridiculous again. You want to limit the speed of a 5 minute operation? Why not put a rubber band around your wedding tackle so it takes you longer to go for a squirt if that's your philosophy? If your constant sulking is the only thing you have to offer, you might as well not even bother posting. Would it hurt to appreciate the program for what it is?
  10. Just a quick test reading/writing to the same drive. Notice the cpu usage of ImgBurn? Not what I'd call a very demanding process.
  11. Might be something to check. Also, it might be an idea to open up your box and give it a clean if you don't do it regularly. Excessive heat due to exhaust fans being covered in crud will corrupt data readability from the harddrives. I give mine a hit with an air compressor every 3 months or so just to blow the crap out of the fans/cpu/drives etc..
  12. Hmm... just out of curiosity, is the RAM timing in your BIOS set to "automatic?"
  13. It must be a problem with A120 or corrupt A120 drivers. I had the same problem with Daemon Tools ages ago which L_UK had to troubleshoot for me. . Heaps of problems with it. It wasn't D-Tools though but a driver it used had corrupted causing chaos with damned near everything. Killing it off was the only solution. The rest of my winboxes worked fine with D-Tools running, just not the one I wanted to use. That's life, huh?
  14. I can't see this happening. The ISOs created or burnt are duplicates of the original source. Adding MD5 files to an ISO or disk would mean that it is not a duplicate. I might be wrong but it's doubtful this would be implemented. Boss?
  15. What's 1T and 2T? Hyperthreading?
  16. How about doing some elimination? Have you tried this drive in another PC? At least then you'll have a better idea on where the problem is.
  17. Tried removing/uninstalling the controllers and rebooting?
  18. Aww. After I uploaded it to my webspace and everything.
  19. Easy fixed. http://users.tpg.com.au/adsldhxe/gspot25b01.rar
  20. Honestly? We could help but we can't as legal constraints against the author of this software (and admin of this forum) prohibit the discussion of circumventing copy protection or duplication of copyrighted material. I can tell you, however, that ImgBurn is not the software you need for this task.
  21. I'll second that. The Verbatim -R/DL I bought a while back were garbage. (4 out of 10 failed, I think). The Verbatim +R/DL are brilliant.
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