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Everything posted by polopony

  1. its never going to decrypt anything but version 2.1 in the "Build Mode " will create an ISO
  2. 1.) is the PS2 either chipped or has a boot disc ? 2.) will the PS2 play any other discs ?
  3. do you think they'll have any KIDS
  4. polopony


    its not luck those discs work the way the do. The dye manufacturer is Taiyo Yuden one of the top 2 dye manufacturers anywhere the other is Verbatim with MCC dye . They are the cream of the crop when it comes to media. To play burned PS2's you need a chipped box or at least a boot disc
  5. did you really think Dell would take the blame ,you should have done what Defenstration says in his post above .Find a friend that has a USB external burner and try to burn with that or maybe you can borrow another drive that you know works and install that if it burns OK then you know your drive is shot
  6. count me in, while candy is dandy Liquor is quicker
  7. you can build an iso and burn or throw all the files into a VideoTS folder and make the burner the destination you could also Read The Guides
  8. polopony

    For Volvo

    a real bunch of cunning linguists
  9. with a disc that fails right at the end you can compress it a little more and quite possibly stay far enough from the outer edge to get a good burn
  10. they wont have to embalm him he's pickled already
  11. since dvd's are burned from the inner hub to the outside rim there is less space for data at the hub and it burns say at 2x, moving away from the hub the burn progresses and there is more space available for data and the drive burns faster untill the speed hits max or whatever you set it to at the outer part of the discs or the discs will support .Thats the speed ramping up LUK and Nic Wilson colaborate with each other
  12. good luck burning to a DVD-ROM hell will freeze over first
  13. you could try burning at say 8X and see if it helps .Burns failing at the outer edge is common with crap media ,princo were notorious for failed burns over the 4 gig mark .Like its been said Verbs and TYs .The Verbs will have an MCC id these are +R 16x Physical Format Information (ADIP): Disc ID: MCC-004-00 Book Type: DVD+R these are -R 16x Verbs Pre-recorded Information: Manufacturer ID: MCC 03RG20 Physical Format Information (Last Recorded): Disc ID: 0@P-!-00 that disc ID is common to -R media Taiyo Yuden discs +R Book Type: DVD-RPhysical Format Information (Last Recorded): Disc ID: YUDEN000-T02-00 Book Type: DVD+ dont know where you're located but in the US www.meritline.com you can also check Office Depot ,Staples ,Best Buy I catch the Verbs on sale cheap and buy enough to get me to the next sale
  14. hey hard work never killed anybody but why take a chance
  15. Verbs are the only DL's that work right
  16. what are you using for media ? having the burn fail at the last minute suggests poor quality discs can you post a log of the burn or at least the info window for the media
  17. I probably wont sleep untill its released (sarcasm mode off )
  18. My nephew alwys said he would stay in school if he could for his whole life since he was little .He just recieved his Masters Degree in mathmatics and teaches high school .Child with an idea made it happen next stop is his PHD.
  19. I think it was always up to the family if he had a state funeral or not .It was offered by the Gov in recognition of his works promoting Australia but the wife has the last word
  20. the man did an enormous amount of work to promote OZ his parents and him built what is now the Australian Zoo . Probably one of the most recognized if not the most recognized names to come out of OZ.The others I can name off the top of my head are actresses and actors
  21. what did you use to create the ISO?
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