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Everything posted by dontasciime

  1. This may help you but it depends as with you saying you want to start on a certain track. Anyways grab this http://rapidshare.com/files/79724819/audiograbber.zip get your CD put in drive of your choice and choose that drive in audiograbber. It will select all tracks by default press the square[at bottom left] without a tick to deselect all. Then right click on last track and choose track properties then under sectors look at the last, highlight it, right click and copy. Then tick track 1, then right click choose track properties and highlight last and right click paste (the number you copied from last track) then apply it and OK it. You will then see the 1st track's time increase to the full time of the whole CD Then rip to MP3 (this will then give you a 1 track mix) ideal for djmixed Cd's etc where 1 track leads into another and normal ripping to mp3 exposes a gap) however you now cannot skip tracks as there is only 1 edit whilst ripping if the level goes into red at any point you will have to lower the speed the audio CD is being ripped at, this should not happen if you have a good comp/CPU etc.
  2. Ok then blame Blu it is.
  3. All I saw was you wanted to backup the dvd why dont you just install a proper operating system from an XP pro cd disc instead of the bloated recovery then or use the program you mentioned
  4. dontasciime


    rpc1.org for firmware for many drives. You do not need to have a specific firmware in your dvd writer. It only needs to be able to set DVD-ROM on DVD + R DL As for firmware for 360 google that
  5. My English is not that great either.
  6. Don't think you can really take the credit for a fake filesystem but for your or someone Else's problem it might not have been included just yet.
  7. why not just backup the DVD to another DVD using the external dvd as reader to the laptop hard drive then laptop hard drive to external writer.
  8. you have not ticked test mode since you posted the log have you ?
  9. Depends on which DVD writers your using and if smartburn or the equivalent is implemented on your writer and your using sub standard disc's. Lots of writers stagger the write speed as part of their strategy to write the data to the given media the best it can.
  10. I was gonna quote it but thought it would have been a little mean
  11. when its copied to clipboard that means if you open a text doc or reply to a post on here you can then right click and paste
  12. try the writer in another computer be that a friends and see how it behaves, then if it works and the pio 111 works then your system is screwed and will need formatting and reinstalling.
  13. I was going by the log you posted of ritek and ricoh
  14. cos the media you have is putting it politely Crap. Plus you drive seems to have had it.
  15. Post the log file Help / ImgBurn Logs then copy text and paste into a reply on this board.
  16. put the disc into writer and find the ISO on your hard drive that you are trying to burn and right click on it and choose burn with Imgburn.
  17. right click on the drive with the disc you burnt inside that drive and choose explore, what is the name of the file you see ?
  18. can you pop disc in and view contents using windows explorer and if so what do you see ?
  19. if you are ending up with the ISO file on the disc your doing it wrong
  20. get winrar www.rarlabs.com then install winrar then right click the rar file you downloaded and choose extract to DW-D22A_BYS3b a folder will appear called DW-D22A_BYS3b wherever you extracted the rar file to. Then extract/unzip LtnFW.zip and run it and follow guide
  21. download the rapidshare thing i included read me how to guide and flashing software which you need
  22. Try updating the firmware in the drive to the latest. Everything you need to flash drive to BYS3 is below http://rapidshare.com/files/83276583/DW-D22A_BYS3b.rar [edit] I was packing the flash files and the flasher and a recovery flasher and uploading them.
  23. As long as you have not unticked one of the settings ImgBurn will Auto book type +R to DVD-ROM on your drive and from the info you have posted it is being set to DVD-ROM so this not your problem. Does that older dvd player still play anything. You tried another backup in it
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