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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. Yep. Your media is garbage. Made in Hong Kong apparently. Grab some Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden disks and throw the ones you're using into the bin.
  2. At least there's no cats chewing on the wiring in this one. That one surprised me.
  3. Hmm.... I dunno. I'm with Blu here. But I still don't like the look of XP either. It's like hitting yourself between the eyes with a hammer, no matter how much you persist with it I don't think you ever get used to it.
  4. Ejecting the media refreshes the drive. When the disk is ejected and re-inserted, the drive is forced to re-read the data on it. Imgburn is then better able to compare the source and destination data and also check readability of your freshly burned disk. I hope this clears it up a bit.
  5. Thomas, ejecting the disk before verifying it gives your drive the best possible chance of finding potential errors with your burn. Just because Nero doesn't eject the media before verifying doesn't mean that's the right way to do it.
  6. I've never found a decent one either but your question got me looking around the net a bit and I found a great tool by the name of "Quintura". It shouldn't be hard to find.
  7. You got those ingredients handy PM ? That is an evil concoction and no mistake ! You can't buy the components needed for making thermite at a hardware shop , unless they now sell bags of aluminium oxide (powdered aluminium) and cans of iron oxide (rust). Making the stuff is easy. Igniting it is not. And no, I won't be posting what you need to ignite it. Drilling a hole in the HD in question will do every bit a good job of destroying whatever data was present without resorting to using hazardous materials such as thermite.
  8. I can if you think it'll help. I probably should have explained myself better. Infact, I'm sure of it. I can export the smb.conf file pretty much anywhere and happily edit it. The problem arises when I try to copy the edited file back to etc\samba\ or to edit the file directly from the \etc\samba\ directory. It's gotta be a permissions thing (root probably) and I can't figure it out.
  9. LOL! Mabe that's a "Jurassic" version of KDE or Gnome : Ah! Just what I need - a linux person. Any chance of some help with Samba? (\etc\samba\smb.conf). The goddam bastard of a thing won't let me change the default workgroup from MDKGROUP to FUCKIT. It keeps complaining about permissions and I still have my linux learners permit. Mapping linux to windows with smb4k is simple enough (when the password wallet doesn't fail and you can't remember or delete the old password) but I can't get the poofter to join my workgroup. EDIT: I know that \etc\samba\smb.conf is technically incorrect but apparently the Apache server running ImgBurn won't let me post if I use forward slashes. Lightning?
  10. Best drive? Honestly, most work pretty well. Best media would be Taiyo Yuden for DVD5 and Verbatim +R for DVD9.
  11. Even a basic router should have MAC filtering tables. It's a cheap and highly effective way of securing a network and because you're using wireless, I would absolutely enable it. FWIW, this is my home network. "Computer OCD", I think Blu called it. (Hi Blu!)
  12. Nope. That's your network card/adapter. Your router should be accessible by typing its address into your browser. eg.. or something similar. To get the NIC MAC number, open a command prompt and type: ipconfig /all Here's a snapshot. What you're looking for is the PHYSICAL ADDRESS. In the case above it's 00-11-2F-61-67-8B. This is the numer that gets added to your MAC filtering table in your router.
  13. Sony aren't the best either. I know some Sony media (like their DVD-RW's) are actually Riteks.
  14. Are you using 40-wire or 80-wire IDE cable? You're right. It doesn't mean anything. Burn speed is not only dictated by the media but also by the drives' firmware. The media might be rated at 8x but if the firmware is a bit dicky (like it is in one of my drives) it might only support burning that particular media at 4x or 6x.
  15. No idea. I suppose he could be talikg about the swapfile/pagefile. I'd just drill a hole in the drive if it was that important.
  16. Why not, please? Because it cannot be set to booktype DVD-ROM or what else? Because they're garbage? At least the ones I've burned have been. Verbatim DVD-R DL consistantly failed. Verbatim DVD+R DL consistantly work. When they're both $6 each, I know which one I prefer.
  17. The quality of your burn won't suffer but your playback might. If you burn at 4x while watching a movie or whatever, you should be OK as even a slow HD should be able to keep up with both tasks without too much trouble.
  18. I doubt the ISOs are corrupt but there's an easy way to check it before burning to disk. Search Google for "Daemon Tools" and "Media Player Classic". Once Shrink has finished the ISO, mount it into Daemon Tools and view the virtual drive with Media Player Classic.
  19. This sounds about right. My PS2 (vers 1) won't touch +R. It's also picky about the -R media it uses. Taiyo Yuden work fine. Most other media won't work. Go figure.
  20. Bad media by the sound of it. Post your log so we can have a look.
  21. Groundrush: Your MAC filtering page will look something like this. Apologies for the size but it'll give you an idea. The MAC addresses in the list below correspond to various network adapters in use on my network (PCs, XBox etc) and are the only ones allowed access to the router.
  22. For added security, check the routers' firewall settings for allowed MAC addresses. (A MAC address is basically a digital fingerprint unique to your network cards). If your router is configured to allow connections from PCs with those specific MAC addresses (even without encryption) no outside PC will be able to connect to your network. EDIT: To get the MAC address of your network card type this into a command prompt: ipconfig /all You'll get your IP address, your gateway and your MAC address which will look something like: 00-E4-57-1F-E3-09 Open up your router settings and add the number for each card to the page called "MAC Filtering" or something similar.
  23. I doubt it's your drive but the media you're using is garbage. Try some Taiyo Yudens (if you can find them) or Verbatim -R media. FWIW, I burn Linux CDs and DVDs fairly often without any problems.
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