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Everything posted by Shamus_McFartfinger

  1. I found a distributor for these things locally....... sorta .... and hopefully should have a few tubs in a couple of days as I've given up my search for Taiyo Yudens in Brisbane.
  2. Just hijacking your thread for a minute. I saw an ad on the telly tonight for pre-ordering the PS3 before its October(?) release. The ad specified that the PS3 would have a 600gig (yes, six hundred gig) drive. Seems awfully fooking big for a playstation. 60 I can believe but 600? Anyone? OOTAR: I've never played this game. Your attachment failed too, mate.
  3. Something to check would be to see if your source HD and your burner share an IDE channel. This would certainly bottleneck the burn process. Also, update your firmware. The latest version for your drive can be found here: http://support.benq.com/files/storage/Firm...W/DQ60/MREC.zip
  4. Dammit. Beat me again. Shouldn't have stopped for that beer.
  5. Yep. A partitioned drive (as far as Windows is concerned) is a separate drive. Converting D: won't affect C:
  6. Open a command prompt and type: convert d: /fs:ntfs That's it. As always, make sure you backup the files on the drive first.
  7. Just a couple of things I would recommend. Convert your HD to NTFS. It makes dealing with large files much easier. As noted above by the guys, CMC media is garbage. Taiyo Yuden are about the same price and are far superior. Even though the burn was apparently successful, you didn't verify the burn to check. Chances are your media would fail. If by some miracle the CMC media passed verification, sometime in the future (a day, a week, a month), CMC media will deteriorate and fail. It has been rubbish for years and it's doubtful that it will change anytime soon.
  8. You may be surprised to know that it was actually the peasants who came up with the idea of a 4-poster bed. It was made specifically to stop animals (and animal crap) from landing on those sleeping below.
  9. I might give this a go one of these days just for the fun of it. I don't know what could be gained from it but what the hell. (I run Mandriva on my linuxbox).
  10. Trivia time: Do you know where this phrase has its origin (its etymology)? Basically, it comes from the days of yor when people used to cover their roofs with thatch. During heavy rain the thatch would become greasy and slippery and the animals that were sleeping on the roof (cats, dogs, elephants) would slide through the thatching to land on the beds of the occupants. Hence: Raining cats and dogs. <trivia mode off>
  11. Bon Jovi? LOL!!!! Seriously tho, going to a metal concert is something that everyone should experience at least once. There?s nothing else like it. Slayer have just kicked off their world tour. Tour dates (including the UK) are HERE if you?re interested.
  12. I take it you?ve never been to a metal concert? There?s always weapons or weapon-like items confiscated at the front door. Stuff like gauntlets, choker chains, studded bracelets and belts. Err.... yeah. #39;(
  13. I love it. I picked up this flyer while I was at the show. Looking forward to this alot. (Apologies for the large file).
  14. It wasn?t bad at all. The only thing I found strange was it was the first metal concert I?ve ever been to where I wasn?t searched for weapons. A hoarse throat the next morning from the yelling and a decent hangover didn?t help at work yesterday. :& Great fun though.
  15. My fave Kreator track is ?Betrayer? from the album Extreme Aggression. An oldie but a goodie.
  16. Concert was brilliant, (Just got home and my ears are still ringing). One of the best live bands I?ve ever seen. The recent stuff is also brilliant. Although, having been a fan for 20 years or so, my opinion is probably biased.
  17. Just finished work and am heading off to a Kreator concert shortly. Corny, my fellow metalhead, you?d like these guys, yeah?
  18. If you can?t compress it (you didn?t say what type of ISO), then you?ll have to remove some of the files with PowerISO, ISOBuster or whatever. ImgBurn will not split the ISO.
  19. I'm fine. Rumourspof my drinking are hmg zycvxaggerited.
  20. Agreed. I remember DB fighting with his USB enclose for ages in the old forum. It might not be a bad idea to pull a HD out of your PC and mount that into the USB enclosure thingy and connect the DVD drive to an IDE cable.
  21. We?ll be here. Come to think of it, we?re always here.
  22. Before we start with the difficult stuff, humour me and do a full format instead of a quick format. Going by the media ID, a full format should take around 30 minutes.
  23. LOL!!!! If I copy files from a magazine coverdisk to my HD with Windows Explorer, that?s OK. If I copy the same files to my HD in ISO format using ImgBurn, it means ImgBurn is a ripper? You truly are an idiot. I think you're getting the point. Creating ISOs and burning files makes it able to "rip" things. Ripping doesn't have anything to do with removing protection. They are separate issues. People tend to confuse them. What a load of crap. The only one confused here is you. You?ve no concept of what the term ?ripping? means. ?Ripping? infers the extraction of multimedia content from a file or disk. Creating an ISO from unprotected files has nothing to do with ripping. Windows Explorer can't create ISOs or burn DVDs. So get a clue before you hurt yourself. You've given an analogy that doens't even hold up. I repeat. Nothing you have said in any way refutes what I said. It wouldn?t matter what I say. You are too egocentric to listen and too stupid to learn. Your foray into the world of computers would be best served by buying a PS2. It?s obvious you have neither the brains nor the wit to operate a piece of equipment as complex as a personal computer.
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