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Everything posted by cornholio7

  1. two targets blu? is your arse that big
  2. d.tools is always enabled on mine too , never had a problem yet
  3. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&...dpost&p=967 check this
  4. I 16:08:11 Found 1 DVD-ROM and 1 DVD-ROM/CD-RW! i don't know how you don't normally have problems writing a dvd when you don't have a dvd burner. this is why it is saying medium not present
  5. it can't read from the hard disc when you see crc error if it was an iso then build mode wouldn't have to build it , thats why it only accepts vid.ts files
  6. you forgot poor 'paying' customers
  7. i would say almost all testing is done using spti
  8. have you tried running memtest?
  9. have you checked that the cables are all fully seated, maybe you nudged one by accident, just a thought
  10. not for me, i just inserted a rw with data on it , imgburn told me it needed to be formatted before it could write to the disc I 00:33:49 Device: [0:1:0] BENQ DVD DD DW1640 BSRB (E:) (ATA) I 00:33:49 Media Type: CD-RW I 00:33:49 Quick Erase: Yes I 00:33:49 Erasing Disc... I 00:34:13 Operation Successfully Completed! - Duration: 00:00:23
  11. try http://www.manifest-tech.com/links/dvd_glossary-a-l.htm as for settings , leave them on default for now, take a read of some of the posts here , theres a lot of info packed into them and if you meed to know something specific then just ask
  12. sorry but we cannot help you with your problem, we are not allowed to discuss circumventing protected discs on this forum
  13. theres no reason to have anydvd on whilst burning with imgburn . what is the media ID on the discs that froze? dvd decrypter is no longer supported by this forum and we would recommend you use imgburn to burn so we can assist you
  14. imgburn parses the ifos and determines the choices shown. i tend to choose one in PGC 1 if there are multiple choices, like this one to catch a screen shot hold down Alt and press Prt Scr on the active window , then open paint and press Ctrl-V and save the picture
  15. you shouldn't have made an iso with shrink, it can't create dvd9 iso's properly if you still have the video_ts folder files , then follow the guides on this forum http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showforum=4 ?
  16. if you make an iso and mds , the mds will contain the original layer break info. if you alter the files in any way you can choose a new layer break using imgburn v2. you can also just copy all files to your hdd instead of making an iso and then let imgburn suggest the best layer break choice, either way will work
  17. the programme is terrific, i'm happy the guide was of use to you mill
  18. 26KB/s - 26KB/s ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? or 26,000 KB/s we use dot instead of comma over here 4,35gb takes just over 4 mins
  19. i ran it for about 1 min on a 160gb drive
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