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Everything posted by polopony

  1. that program is caller "RebootMyComputerNow"
  2. kinda like the Santa thing from Miracle on 34th Street
  3. Errrrmmm...so you like to sneak up behind sleeping folks then polo????? she never complains
  4. try a speed other than 1X you really dont see any media or drives that support it these days also everything needs to be converted to ISO image for IMGburn to burn it.
  5. pick from this lot Pioneer ,Nec, BenQ, Plextor all excellent drives. For curiositys sake throw a Phillips disc in the Burner and lets see who the dye manufacturer is look for this Disc ID: MCC-004-00 Book Type: DVD+R if its CMC MAG start with a change of media Verbs or Yudens
  6. I know a few people that might sleep easier if I was
  7. WA mentioned that the new album is going to have all kinds of things on it one being the Cd/DVD disc cd one side dvd he other and if I remember 24 pages of extras. Demento not only did stuff from college but even did things he wrote in high school
  8. I understand him 99% of the time should I be worried
  9. sucking up will not get you a game console any quicker
  10. Weird Al was on the Bob and Tom show (radio) doing an interview yesterday ,pretty interesting ,talked about playing his accordian on street corners with the Stray Cats playing on the opposite corner before they got a record deal he used to write stuff as a kid and it was played on the Dr Demento show (also radio)
  11. Star Wars Spinner ,"Luke I am your father " father's father
  12. A DVD r/w drive can burn CD's and not be able to handle DVD's and the problem will be with the laser like BLU says
  13. " I recently upgraded the firmware for my Toshiba burner drive as well" if this started after you updated your firmware I'd go back to the previous version and see if it burns ok
  14. have you checked your jumper settings on the drives Master/Slave instead or Cable Select on my box I have an 80 pin for my HD's and its DMA4 40 pin on the roms and rw's is 40 and shows DMA2 maybe check in the BIOS?
  15. "So, I think that is a minor bug, but it is worth considering in writing further versions of ImgBurn. " I dont see how thats a minor bug in IMGburn .It just takes you to the firmware site, after you attempt to update your firmware does IMGburn correctly identify what firmware you have on your drive and if it does so correctly then its really RPC1's job to have the firmware in its database for the exact drive you have its really not IMGburns problem
  16. a nice 4 inch grinder with a cut off wheel will do the job or a plasma cutter, blow torch,arc welder you know old school methods when only complete destruction will do and lets not forget the old stand by gasoline and matches
  17. you have to be producing an ISO with Shrink(Select Target) for it to burn otherwise you have to use build mode to do files and then burn with IMGburn
  18. Plextor is the most expensive at around $100 ,the BenQ is about $40 the others about the same or a little less .The faceplate issue cant say for sure untill you have the new drive and can compare .I use an NEC 3500 an older model and am very happy with it had an Nec 2500 before it and it burned well still does .Try www.meritline.com or www.newegg.com for hardware you'll have to look real hard for better prices and Newegg's service is excellent great prices and fast shipping . It will come down to preference which drive you get but you wont go wrong with the names I've mentioned the BenQ 1655 is used by many members and also scans the Pioneer 111d turns out some impressive quality numbers.I still use a Pioneer 115 dvd rom for reading it must be 8 yrs old and still works perfect it was $120 at the time I bought it
  19. Thanks for the help, yes it was the drive. I bought a external Memorex unit and I'm back to doing my thing !!!! I appreciate the hand holding during all of this, It's kinda like they say " you don't know what you had till it's gone" Rastus Memorex ,around here it brings a cringe and a shudder send it back while you can and get a BENQ ,Pioneer ,Nec ,Plextor the top 4
  20. its so fast its subliminal ,explains me chanting IMGburn, must have IMGburn all day long
  21. if you do some reading on this forum you'll see that Memorex with CMC MAG dye is some of the worst garbage there is and members have mixed results with sony also . Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden are the discs of choice .Try reading the memorex stuff 6 months from now
  22. for legal reasons we dont support ripping or the bypassing of copyright protection or discussing it on this forum its about burning ISO's and thats all
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