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Everything posted by cornholio7

  1. it probably will read a burned dvd back at 16x but i doubt it will rip at 16x, try checking over at cdfreaks if you can convert it to the benq 1640 that it really is
  2. done 4 with 2 burners - p.o.p.
  3. something is dodgy here , TYG02 discs are -R
  4. cornholio7

    Happy Xmas

    verbs are top notch these days , especially from svp mate
  5. try updating your firmware and see if it helps. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1934 you want BSOS
  6. tools ->settings->write and check auto export graph data make a custom folder if you want to under graph data->default folder
  7. i have 2x 250gb maxtors in raid 0 - no probs here i also have a 160gb maxtor , no probs either (oh and 2 x 80gb maxtors in raid 0 too)
  8. try asking about it at http://forum.digital-digest.com
  9. press on the letter E under your drive on the gui
  10. tell us the model of the burner or post a log and we can help you.
  11. gracias que soy seguro que la LIGHTNING_UK! apreciar? sus comentarios
  12. no problems with sp2 and would only recommend installing it. service packs are meant to be installed for your own safety
  13. take the / away from the first [ ] box so it reads
  14. its a burning programme use another programme to do what you are trying to do google is your friend
  15. just press ctrl-I (when you have shrink running of course)
  16. cornholio7


    me too- tried the others and i like ie best- each to his own
  17. cornholio7


    take a look here http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?s=&show...=findpost&p=967
  18. thanks for the info kevdriver
  19. why not navigate to the folder using 'add' then hold 'Ctrl' down and click on the iso's you want?
  20. kev, why has that girl got 3 .......breasts
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