Going solely by this list (from this page) it seems firmware 1.09 is the best to have. You might also want to try burning at 4x to see if you get a better burn.
There's firmware 1.41 available for your burner. Remove any disc and close the tray before updating. Reboot after it has finished. Also try burning at 8x or 12x for a better chance of success with that crappy media.
It could be a lot of things particular to your system/burner/media combination. Have you tried a lens cleaner disc on that drive? You also may want to give +R media a go.
Actually both -ize and -ise are correct and this has been extensively discussed before
Are you looking further down ImgBurn.log? It should be pretty long.
One would think the "No Devices Detected!" message by itself would be clear enough. Simply put: you don't have a burner on your computer. In the Log window (View -> Log if you closed it), what does it say in the 'Found ...' line?
There's firmware 1.09 available for your burner. Remove any disc and close the tray before updating. Reboot after it has finished. If that doesn't work, try burning at 4x and the other available speeds, as slowest doesn't always mean better
There's firmware 1.04 available for your burner. Remove any disc and close the tray before updating. Reboot after it has finished.
If it doesn't help with your problem please read this thread: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000
Have you tried the other available burn speeds? Try a lens cleaner disc on that burner. Also check with the laptop manufacturer if there are firmware updates available for your burner. Where are your Verbatim blanks made? It's written on the packaging.
As LUK suggested above, please read this post: http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?showtopic=8000
It seems your drive doesn't like the 8x rated (MKM-003-00 dye) Verbatim blanks.
That log doesn't show anything being burned so it doesn't tell us what could be wrong. Look further on the log on your computer and you should find the log showing the failed burn.
By the way, please download and install the latest ImgBurn version.
You don't need to create an ISO image before burning to disc: use the 'Write files/folder to disc' option, or, if already in Build mode, select Device under the Output menu.
Untick 'Preserve Full Pathnames' in the Options tab (which is off by default), add the AAA folder and, when ImgBurn asks if it's the root foder answer No.